Wednesday 12 October 2011

Characteristics of good report

1. Good Report has a Clarity of Thought

A good report is one which is drafted in a simple, clear and lucid language. Its language should not be difficult and confusing. There should be no ambiguity as regards the statements made in the report. A reader should be able to understand the entire report easily, exactly and quickly. In fact, this is the basic purpose of report writing

2. Good Report is Complete and Self-explanatory
A good report is always a complete and self-explanatory document. For this, repetition of facts, figures, information, conclusions and recommendation should be avoided. Report writing should be always complete and self-explanatory. It should give complete information to the readers in a precise manner.
4. Good Report is Accurate in all Aspects
One more feature of a good report is that it should be correct in all aspects. The data given and statements made in the report must be based on facts and must be verified carefully. Report writing is a responsible job as report is used as a reliable document for taking decisions and framing policies. Thus, report writing should be always accurate, factual and reliable.
5. Good Report has Suitable Format for readers
A good report needs proper format. It should be convenient to the type of the report. The report should have all essential components such as title, introduction, findings and recommendations. This gives convenience to the reader.
6. Good Report Support Facts and is Factual
A good report is always factual. The findings, conclusions and recommendations included in the report should be supported by information and data collected from reliable sources. Statistical tables, should support statements made in the report. Attention needs to be given to this reliability aspect in report writing.

7. Good Report has an Impersonal Style
A good report should be drafted in an impersonal manner. The report writing should be in third person. This is necessary as the report is prepared for the benefits of a person who needs it and not for the benefit of the person who prepares it.
10. Good Report follows an Impartial Approach
A good report is always fact finding and not fault finding. It should be prepared in an impartial manner. The writers of the report should be impartial in their outlook and approach. In other words, there should be objectivity in report writing. Emotions, sentiments, personal views etc. should be kept away while drafting a report. The approach of report writer should be broad based, positive and constructive. He should be neutral and self effecting in his reports writing.

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